20-somethings need a primary care provider, too: How a PCP is your key to lifelong health

Men's Health
Women's Health
A young man at the doctor's office.

You have your go-to hairdresser, your preferred workout class instructor and maybe even a favorite barista at a local coffee shop. These people help you look and feel healthy and taken care of each day.

But one important person many 20-somethings don't have in their life is a primary care physician.

Nearly half of young adults in their 20s don't have a primary care provider (PCP), or a health care provider that manages common medical concerns, preventative health and referrals for specialized care.

As a young adult, your health is just as important as at any other age. Whether you're facing medical concerns now or not, having a trusted PCP is a key part of staying healthy now and as you get older. Here's why everyone, including 20-somethings, should have a primary care provider and what you can expect from your visits.

Why do I need a primary care provider in my 20s?

When you're young, you may not have health conditions like heart disease and diabetes on your mind. However, early warning signs are often hard to notice without the right monitoring.

"The role of a primary care provider is to observe your health long-term. They help you understand how to live a healthy lifestyle, including eating healthy, exercising regularly and managing stress," says Navpreet Singh, DO, a primary care physician at Main Line Health "They also diagnose and treat common health problems, like heart disease and diabetes — both issues that can begin developing when you're young."

Take heart disease, for example. One of the primary causes of this deadly condition is high blood pressure — something nearly a quarter of adults ages 18 to 39 already have. Without the right treatment (which might include lifestyle changes, medication or both), high blood pressure can lead to heart disease. It can also lead to other health problems, like heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, vision loss and sexual dysfunction.

As for diabetes, over one-quarter of adults ages 18 to 44 are estimated to have prediabetes, a condition when your blood sugar is high, but not high enough for a diabetes diagnosis.

"Prediabetes puts you at risk of developing type 2 diabetes as well as heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, prediabetes is reversible with the right steps toward a healthier lifestyle," says Dr. Singh.

Primary care providers can also refer you to medical specialists, like dermatologists, gastroenterologists and cardiologists, if needed.

Finally, PCPs help you keep up with important screening tests, which test for health conditions before there are any symptoms. While you might not need as many screening tests when you're young, some begin at an early age — especially if you have risk factors.

Depending on your individual health, screening tests in your 20s might include screening for:

What a 20-something expect from an appointment with a primary care provider?

If you're used to only calling your doctor when something's wrong, it might feel strange to make an appointment when you feel completely healthy. However, these appointments (called annual physicals or annual well-visits) help your primary care provider monitor your health long-term — a habit that's great to start when you're young.

"Annual physicals are an opportunity to check in on your overall health. Ideally, you see your primary care provider each year, meaning they know your health history and overall concerns. If it's your first visit, this is a great time to discuss these topics and create a rapport," says Dr. Singh.

During your annual physical, your PCP will:

  • Review and discuss your health history, including your health habits, current medications, family history and general life updates.
  • Do a physical exam, including checking your heart and lung and examining your mouth, ears and skin.
  • Take your height and weight measurements.
  • Check your vital signs, including your blood pressure, pulse and temperature.
  • Ask you questions about your body, such as if you have any shortness of breath and if you've noticed any unusual moles.

Your PCP might also order a blood test, which checks things like your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. They may also refer you for additional screening tests.

While it might seem like your PCP is doing most of the questioning, your annual physical is also a good time to ask any nagging questions you have about your general health. If you're wondering how to lose weight safely or how to manage stress, this is a great time to get insight from an expert.

Finally, your PCP will discuss how to lead a healthy lifestyle. From eating healthy to exercising to getting enough sleep, your 20s are a great time to get on the right track when it comes to your health.

Primary care for a healthier you

As a young adult, you've got a lot going on. Whether you're navigating a budding career, starting a family or traveling the world, it can be easy to put your health on the back burner.

However, now is the time to make sure you're on the path to long-term health. "By seeing your primary care provider each year, you can be sure you're doing everything in your power to stay healthy now and as you get older," says Dr. Singh.

Next steps:

Make an appointment with Navpreet Singh, DO
Learn more about primary care services at Main Line Health
When it's time to say goodbye to your child's pediatrician

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