Support and Resources
Advance Care Planning
Advance care planning is a process that defines our goals and wishes as they relate to health care. This process has been shown to provide vital information to clinicians and loved ones if we are unable to communicate ourselves.
Connection to Community (C2C)
As part of Main Line Health’s ongoing commitment to provide human care, our focus is on ensuring opportunities for everyone to attain their highest potential of health by supporting wellness and access to resources in our community. Use Main Line Health’s Connection to Community to help in your neighborhood for transportation, food, housing and more. This online resource is a curated list of free or reduced-cost local community programs. Connection to Community empowers our neighbors to find assistance and filter offerings based on location, age, gender, income and other criteria.
Loss and Grief Resources
The anticipated or actual loss of a loved one can be devastating and can also be a time of great overwhelm and confusion. Main Line Health would like to provide you with support and loss and grief resources during this difficult time.
Spiritual Care
When you or a loved one is in the hospital, it can create a lot of different thoughts, feelings, concerns and questions. Sometimes it helps to connect with someone who can provide religious, spiritual or emotional support during this stressful and trying time. You don't have to navigate this journey alone. Our spiritual care professionals are trained to provide spiritual and emotional support by offering an empathetic listening ear and ways to find mindfulness.
Support Groups
Main Line Health and community partners offer several virtual and in-person support groups. Explore our opportunities for education, support and connections.