Nose Shape Abnormalities

What are nose shape abnormalities?

Nasal deformity may be either functional or cosmetic.

Functional describes nasal breathing blockages, snoring, decreased smell or taste, nose bleeds or chronic inflammation. A crooked septum (the middle section of the nose composed of cartilage and bone), scar tissue, collapse or weakening of structures in the nose. Cleft lip, cleft palate, nasal mass or anomaly are deformities present at birth and can be corrected by surgery. Nasal trauma may result in a fracture and deviation and change both the appearance and functioning of the nose. Some diseases can affect the appearance and function of the nose as well.

Cosmetic concern may involve patient perceptions about the symmetry, length and width or tip of the nose and may be changed through surgery.


Image Guided Sinus Surgery

Image guided endoscopic sinus surgery provides a safer, more efficient approach to procedures that are in close proximity to the eyes, brain and major arteries.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Endoscopic sinus surgery is a procedure to open the passages of the nose and sinuses. It is done to treat long-term (chronic) sinus infections. An ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT) does the surgery.

Sinus Surgery

Otolaryngologists will recommend sinus surgery (nose surgery) to improve form or function of the nose, or both.
