Mithra Maneyapanda, MD

Headshot of Mithra Maneyapanda, MD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Primary Practice:
Rehabilitation Associates of the Main Line
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Areas of care

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Brain Injury Medicine


Rehabilitation Associates of the Main Line

414 Paoli Pike
Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital
Malvern, PA 19355

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Mithra Maneyapanda, MD

Dr. Mithra Maneyapanda is the medical director of the Brain Injury Program at Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital. He specializes in the rehabilitation of individuals with acquired and traumatic brain injuries and provides care with the goal to optimize function and quality of life. With the understanding that every patient and injury is unique, an individualized approach is used to improve outcomes. Dr. Maneyapanda treats patients along the entire spectrum of severity of traumatic brain injuries, from concussion to disorders of consciousness. Additionally, he cares for patients with acquired brain injuries such as stroke, tumor, and hypoxic ischemic brain injuries. He also treats complications of brain injuries such as spasticity, neurobehavioral impairments, and other issues such as sleep disturbance and posttraumatic headache. As a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Dr. Maneyapanda is directly involved in the education and training of resident physicians. He has also authored to several peer-reviewed publications related to brain injury rehabilitation. His research interests include brain injury recovery and wearable technology in rehabilitation.

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Education and Training


  • Medical School
    Rutgers Medical School - 2012
  • Residency
    Physical Medicine/Rehab, Northwestern University/Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
  • Fellowship
    Brain Injury Medicine, Northwestern University/Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
  • Internship
    Northwestern University/Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

Awards and Memberships

  • 2015 Walter E. Heller Chief Resident
  • Northwestern University/Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
  • American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Association of Academic Physiatrists

Academic Titles

  • Clinical Assistant Professor- Department of Rehabilitation Medicine- Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University

Patient Reviews

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