Lactation and Breastfeeding

About lactation and breastfeeding at Main Line Health

Lactation specialists are dedicated to giving you the help you need to make breastfeeding your baby as comfortable as possible. There are numerous benefits associated with breastfeeding for both mother and baby, so it's important you get the information you need to feel more confident about your lactation journey. Each Main Line Health hospital offers guidance from International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) and many of the staff are trained as Certified Breastfeeding Counselors too.

woman breastfeeding baby

Lactation counseling

Along with prenatal breastfeeding classes, you have access to specialty-trained staff by your side to assist you and your baby with breastfeeding during your hospital stay. Lactation support is available to all moms, including those with infants in the NICU or in the Pediatric Unit.

Even after your stay, you don’t ever have to feel alone through your breastfeeding process. Our breastfeeding support group is open to all, and you’ll receive advice from a lactation consultant in a safe place to connect and learn. We also offer a “warm line” for non-urgent breastfeeding questions. If you leave a voicemail at this number, a board-certified lactation consultant will return your call as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours.

two breastfeeding mothers

Expert lactation support once you get home

After bringing your baby home, you still have access to board-certified lactation consultants who can help guide you. Whether you prefer a home consultation or would like to come to the office on a fee-for-service basis, the lactation team offers current outpatient resources to make sure you get the support you need, when you need it.

Some insurers will even pay for a consultation with an in-network provider. Every breastfeeding journey is unique, and the care you receive should be too.

female feeding  newborn baby

Breastfeeding support groups

Join our free breastfeeding support group to connect with other breastfeeding moms, get expert advice from certified lactation consultants and weigh your baby. You're welcome to come once, or every week! No reservations are necessary and you can drop in any time during the group. Open to all breastfeeding and pumping moms every Tuesday from 10-11 a.m. The group is held at Bryn Mawr Hospital in the lactation room just outside of the maternity unit.

For more information, please call 484.337.1137.

View our blogs on lactation and breastfeeding

Getting Started Breastfeeding

Learn about what you can do during pregnancy and the first days and weeks after delivery to plan for pregnancy.

Correct latch

Your baby needs to feel your nipple deep in his/her mouth to stimulate a correct suckle and milk transfer. Follow these steps to help baby latch on properly.

FAQ about teaching baby to breastfeed

Here are some questions that might come up for you while learning to breastfeed and our responses to these questions.

Twins and multiple babies

The important issue is not whether you feed your babies together or not, but that you feed often enough; that is, between eight to 12 feedings every 24 hours, resulting in a full volume of breast milk for your babies.

Breastfeeding and sex

In some cultures, exclusive breastfeeding is a form of birth control. We do not recommend breastfeeding as a form of birth control, but for some exclusive breastfeeding may affect ovulation.

Feeding patterns

The length of each breastfeeding varies widely. Some babies are very efficient, fast feeders and are satisfied with only five minutes per breast. Other babies love to suckle and demand up 20 to 30 minutes or more per breast.

Is my baby getting enough to eat?

Every new mother, whether this is her first or fourth baby, worries whether her baby is getting enough to eat or not. Especially in the first week or so—while your milk volume is building and the signs of an adequate feeding are more subjective—how do you, as the new mother, really know that your baby is well fed?

Breast problems

As your baby requires more milk and demands more nursings, your breasts will produce more milk. Breastfeeding works on the principle of demand and supply. The more milk your baby demands, the more breast milk your breasts will supply for feedings.

Breastfeeding positions

Whatever position you choose for the feeding, your baby should always be facing directly to your body—baby's knees, tummy and chest should face your body.

Nutrition for mom and baby

Eating a variety of foods will give your baby a variety of flavors in your breast milk. Eat the foods that YOU tolerate well, avoiding the foods that you do not tolerate.

Weaning your baby

For babies under one year, who are weaning to infant formula, a gradual weaning process will take about one month. This transition period is slow, but prevents discomfort and hopefully any breast infection from breast milk not being emptied from your breasts.

Breastfeeding: How it benefits you and your baby