Information for Artists
Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital's Art Ability Exhibition and Sale is the largest event of its kind for artists with disabilities in the United States. We welcome any artist interested in participating to contact us at or call 484.596.5607 to provide your name and contact information for our mailing list.
The call for entry for the 2024-25 Art Ability Exhibition and Sale will open in mid-April and run through June 30, 2024. View eligibility requirements and submission instructions.Timeline
- Artists are selected by the Art Ability staff to be considered for the upcoming exhibit's "Featured Artist." One of the featured artist's pieces is chosen to be highlighted on all promotional material throughout the duration of the show.
- The exhibit season kicks off with a spring mailing of the Call for Entry information to potential participating artists as maintained in our 1,000+ name database. Postings to arts websites are made.
- The Art Ability Committee of volunteers kick-off event planning with a spring meeting.
- Artist images are due in July.
- The initial jurying of submitted work, led by the Art Ability staff, includes members of the Art Ability committee, artists and art scholars.
- Jury decisions are finalized in late July.
- Artist acceptance letters and packets of instructions are mailed in late summer. Inventory lists are finalized.
- Shipped and hand delivered artwork is due early fall (September).
- Unpacking and inventory workdays are held in September. The coordinator leads committee members and dozens of volunteers in unpacking, inventorying and organizing over 400 pieces of artwork.
- The second part of our jurying process includes an "Award Judging Day," which is held in early fall. Three prestigious members of the art community judge the submitted work and award monetary prizes for artistic excellence.
- Led by the Art Ability staff, more than 25 committee members and volunteers help install the over 400 pieces of work. Identifying labels are placed next to all artwork.
- The annual exhibit de-installation is in February. Committee members and volunteers, led by the coordinator de-install the exhibit, pack up all unsold work for shipping back to artists and wrap all sold work for customer pick up.
- Customers arrange to pick up purchased artwork after the end of the show so the integrity of the presentation is not comprised.
- The hospital's permanent collection of work is installed.
All these activities are completed with the help of our dedicated committee of volunteers along with the expertise of the exhibit coordinator.