Trauma Patient Transfer
For 24-hour physician-to-physician consultation with a trauma surgeon or for transfer of an injured patient, call the Main Line Health Transfer Center at 1.855.MLH.STAT (1.855.654.7828).
Patients who should be considered for transfer to a trauma center
Patients with the following clinical presentations are commonly transferred to a trauma center. However, physician consultation with a trauma surgeon is available if you feel your patient needs additional service not available at your facility.
Head / C-spine
- Carotid or vertebral artery injury
- Penetrating injuries or open fracture of the skull
- GCS score less than 14 or lateralizing neurologic signs
- Spinal fracture or spinal cord deficit
- Cardiac rupture
- Torn thoracic aorta or great vessel
- Bilateral pulmonary contusion with Pa02/FI02 ratio less than 200
- Bilateral rib fractures OR 2 or more unilateral rib fractures with the presence of pulmonary contusion
- Significant torso injury with advanced comorbid disease (such as oral anticoagulant, coronary artery diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, liver or kidney disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, or on immunosuppressant)
Pelvis / abdomen
- Intestinal, liver, spleen, kidney or vascular injury
- Any patient requiring damage control laparotomy
- Hemodynamically unstable pelvic fracture
- Complex pelvis/acetabular fractures
- Any level of spine fracture with neurologic deficit
- Neurologic deficit without spine fracture
- Fracture or dislocation with loss of distal pulses
High-risk patients
- Patients receiving anticoagulant therapy which would place the patient at significant risk for internal or intracranial bleeding after trauma