Bushra Malik, MD

Headshot of Bushra Malik, MD
Headache Medicine, Headache Disorders

Dr. Malik decided to specialize in headache medicine because she personally had migraines since the age of 16. She also has family members who suffer with migraines. Dr. Malik saw firsthand how headaches can negatively affect someone including occupation, relationships and overall quality of life. She believes that treatment for migraines starts with healthy living and encourages this with all her headache patients. Once the correct diagnosis is made, she works with patients to create an individualized treatment plan.' During a patient's first visit, Dr. Malik reviews possible triggers with patients and teaches them to make lifestyle modifications such as changes in their sleep habits, diet or dealing with stress. She prescribes medications to prevent or reduce the number of migraines per month.'' Along with prescription medication, she also recommends specific supplements that have been shown to reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. If patients take their medication as prescribed along with lifestyle changes, they can drastically reduce headaches and improve their quality of life.

Primary Practice:
Main Line HealthCare Neurology
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English , Urdu
Patient Reviews:

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Areas of care

Headache Medicine

Headache Disorders

Conditions and treatments


Main Line HealthCare Neurology

120 Valley Green Lane
Main Line Health King of Prussia, Suite 670
King of Prussia, PA 19406

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Bushra Malik, MD

Dr. Malik is a board-certified neurologist, specializing in treating patients with headaches and migraines. After a residency training in neurology, she completed two fellowships (specialty training) at Cleveland Clinic. One fellowship was in headache and pain, the other in palliative medicine.

Years Experience:
English , Urdu
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Education and Training


  • Medical School
    Liaquat Medical College - 1998
  • Residency
    Neurology, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City KS - 2006
  • Fellowship
    Headache Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Hospital - 2008
  • Fellowship
    Palliative Care, Cleveland Clinic Hospital - 2007

Awards and Memberships

  • American Headache Society
  • American Medical Association
  • American Academy of Pain Medicine
  • American Academy of Neurology

Patient Reviews

Overall Rating

4.8 out of 5 with 154 ratings and 32 comments
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