Justin Pelberg, DO, FACC

Headshot of Justin Pelberg, DO, FACC
Cardiovascular Disease, Heart Failure/Transplant Cardiology, Heart and Vascular Care

As a physician, my goal is to engage patients to be an active participant in their care and educate them on their cardiovascular health. I focus on working together with patients, providing guidance and presenting options at each step along their journey. No matter how complex the situation may be, I am motivated to always be there for patients and their families, providing the necessary support in order to find solutions, produce good outcomes, and maximize quality of life.

Primary Practice:
Lankenau Heart Group
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Areas of care

Cardiovascular Disease

Heart Failure/Transplant Cardiology


Conditions and treatments


Lankenau Heart Group

100 East Lancaster Avenue
Lankenau Medical Center, Heart Pavilion, Mezzanine Level
Wynnewood, PA 19096

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Lankenau Heart Group

1088 West Baltimore Pike
Riddle Health Center 2, Suite 2500
Media, PA 19063

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Justin Pelberg, DO, FACC

Dr. Pelberg is a cardiologist who specializes in the care of patients with heart failure. Heart failure affects many people, and the number of cases continues to grow each year. It is a condition in which the heart either fails to pump and supply enough blood to the rest of the body or fails to relax and appropriately fill with blood. Heart failure has many causes and a wide spectrum of illness severity, but several treatment options are available to help produce good outcomes. If heart failure becomes severe and the heart can no longer pump to meet the body’s needs, a person may need advanced therapy, such as a surgically implanted mechanical pump—called a left ventricular assist device—or a heart transplant. Dr. Pelberg cares for patients with all types and stages of heart failure, including: 1) cardiomyopathy (a disorder of the heart muscle in which the heart has trouble pumping blood or relaxing to fill with blood, 2) pulmonary hypertension (high pressure in the lungs that may cause failure of the right heart chambers, or “right-sided heart failure”), 3) cardiogenic shock (a medical emergency that may require short-term use of a mechanical device to help circulate blood), and 4) end-stage heart failure (severe disease that may require a surgically implanted ventricular assist device or a heart transplant). Dr. Pelberg is dedicated to helping patients with heart failure manage their disease in an effort to allow the heart to recover and avoid the need for hospitalization or more advanced therapy. In addition to heart failure, Dr. Pelberg treats coronary artery disease, heart valve disorders, heart rhythm disorders, high blood pressure, and cholesterol disorders. He is focused on helping patients avoid worsening heart disease through lifestyle modifications, medical therapy, and—when needed—specialized care from other Lankenau Heart Institute physicians. Dr. Pelberg earned his medical degree from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine. He then came to the Philadelphia region to pursue clinical training. He completed a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in cardiovascular medicine at Lankenau Medical Center, followed by fellowship in advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology at Temple University Hospital. He was in private practice in Montgomery County for 3 years before joining Lankenau Heart Institute.

Years Experience:
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Education and Training


  • Medical School
    West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, WV - 2011
  • Residency
    Internal Medicine, Lankenau Medical Center - 2014
  • Fellowship
    Advanced Heart Failure / Transplant, Temple University Hospital - Philadelphia, PA - 2019
  • Fellowship
    Cardiovascular Disease, Lankenau Medical Center - 2018

Awards and Memberships

  • Fellow, American College of Cardiology
  • Heart Failure Society of America
  • International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation

Academic Titles

  • Assistant Professor of Medicine- Thomas Jefferson University

Patient Reviews

Overall Rating

4.9 out of 5 with 138 ratings and 23 comments
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