Katherine Rose, MD

Headshot of Katherine Rose, MD
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Facial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Gender Care Program

As a plastic surgeon, I specialize in surgery to restore and correct form and function of the face and body. By nature, these are intimate operations that directly impact a person's quality of life. I am grateful to be able to help individuals restore their sense of self. All patients are unique, as are the life experiences that prompt them to seek my care. I find the best results come from partnership and shared decision making with my patients. I listen to their story and their goals, then we work together to tailor the best treatment plan for them.

Primary Practice:
Main Line HealthCare Plastic Surgery
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Main Line HealthCare Plastic Surgery

933 Haverford Road
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

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Katherine Rose, MD

I am a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, with a focus on gender-affirming surgery and soft tissue reconstruction after cancer treatment or injury. I also have a strong interest in multidisciplinary care of transgender and gender nonconforming individuals and serve as Director of Main Line Health Gender Care. I was initially drawn to plastic surgery due to the technical precision required as well as the ability to help patients. During my training, I developed special expertise in breast reconstruction, gender-affirming surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, reconstructive microsurgery, and cosmetic surgery, as well as nonsurgical facial rejuvenation procedures. I also was active in research focused on patient safety, presenting nationwide and winning an award for my research on safe and appropriate pain control following plastic surgery procedures. An important part of my job as plastic surgeon is to get to know my patients and their stories, as well as their jobs, interests, hobbies, and goals for surgery. All these factors must be considered when choosing a surgical procedure that is right for them. I love the creativity and flexibility in implementing different principles of plastic surgery to tailor care to the needs of each patient. Most of all, I find great reward in being able to help improve a person's life and feelings of self.

Years Experience:
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Education and Training


  • Medical School
    University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester NY - 2014
  • Residency
    Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery, University of Wisconsin Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery - 2020

Awards and Memberships

  • World Professional Association for Transgender Health

Patient Reviews

Overall Rating

4.6 out of 5 with 45 ratings and 10 comments
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